re:[1][Reset EEPROM?| |This will delete all settings in the Unitor8 connected directly to the computer.][Cancel|Reset]
r2:[1][EEPROM has been reset.|Now you must switch off and back on all Unitor8 units.][OK]
nf:[2][No Unitor8 units have been found.|Retry scanning or assume some for demo mode?| |If you want to retry, first press "Panic/Patch" at the Unitor8 connected directly to the computer.][Retry|Assume 1|Assume 2|Assume 8]
v6:[1][With a Unitor8 with versions older than 1.0.6, you are not able to edit Computer Setup, Patch Setup or Click Setup.| |Please exchange your Unitor8 EPROM with the newest version.][OK]
v7:[1][You have more than one Unitor8, and at least one of them has a software version 1.0.6 or older.|Only with these versions you must switch on the Unitor8 units in the correct order (from computer to end of chain).| |Please exchange your Unitor8 EPROM with the newest version.][OK]
eu:[1][The imported file is a Unitor8 EEPROM update file to version %c.%c.%c.|Do you want to update all suitable Unitor8 units with this version?][Cancel|OK]
e1:[1][The imported file is a Unitor8 EEPROM update file to version %c.%c.%c.|However, you only have AMT8 units which cannot be updated, as they don’t have an EEPROM.][Cancel]
e2:[1][The imported file is a Unitor8 EEPROM update file to version %c.%c.%c.|This update is only suitable for Unitor8 Mk. %c. To update Unitor8 Mk. %c units, please download version %c.x.x update files.][Cancel]
e2:[1][The imported file is a Unitor8 EEPROM update file to version %c.%c.%c.|This format is not yet supported by Unitor8 Control / SoundDiver. Please ask for an update.][Cancel]
uu:Updating EEPROM of %s Port %d..%d ...
uw:Waiting for %s Port %d..%d to initialize ...
ud:[3][Unitor8 did not acknowledge while updating the EEPROM. Please contact Emagic.|][Abort]
ue:[3][Unitor8 reported an ERROR while updating EEPROM.|• Please make sure that while updating, no other MIDI data is sent to Unitor8.|If LEDs MIDI In 1, MIDI In 8, MIDI Out 1 and MIDI Out 8 are on, there are two possible reasons:|• Some other software sends MIDI data inbetween.|• There is a hardware (EEPROM) failure. Please contact Emagic.][Abort]
us:[0][All Unitor8 units have been updated successfully.][OK]
v2:[3][^0 has an EPROM version too old for an EEPROM update. The EPROM must be replaced. Please contact Emagic.][Cancel]
w1:[1][To update ^0, a special procedure must be performed. You need a special plug from Emagic for this purpose. If you don't have this plug, please click "Cancel" now and contact Emagic.][Cancel|Continue]
w2:[1][Switch off the Unitor8 now.][Cancel|Unitor8 is switched off]
w3:[1][Connect the special plug to the "Mac RS 422" jack now.][Cancel|Plug is connected]
w4:[1][Switch on the Unitor8 now.][Cancel|Unitor8 is switched on]
w5:[1][IMPORTANT: Do not switch off the Unitor8.| |Remove the special plug from the Unitor8.][Cancel|Plug is removed]
n1:[3][^0 can be updated only if it is the second Unitor8 in the chain.|Please connect ^0 to the RS-422 jack of the first Unitor8 and try again.][OK]
n2:[3][Unitor8 did not acknowledge while updating the EEPROM.|It seems you did not follow the instructions exactly. Please do only what the dialogs say, then click the appropriate button.][Cancel|Retry]